CHS Housing, Extreme Nonprofit Makeover Recipient


Community Housing Solutions’ mission is to provide decent, safe and affordable housing to low-income households working toward the elimination of substandard housing, restoring the dignity and hope to families living in Guilford County neighborhoods.

Who They Are

CHS’ expertise and experience includes being a HUD-certified CHDO, having 80 years of combined staff experience, having certification as a licensed general contractor and certified lead renovation firm, having staff members who are certified as building performance analysts and aging-in-place specialists.

Community Housing Solutions Works Toward

Supporting neighbors with safe and decent housing, preserving assets, connecting resources / improving affordability, helping people stay in their homes longer.

Supporting neighborhoods by creating wealth, stabilizing neighborhoods and building relationships.

What did Community Housing receive?

  • A Microsoft Exchange Server
  • Firewall
  • Switch
  • 5 Workstations
  • Cabling, installation and configuration
  • New Phone System
  • New Website
  • Training to edit/update the website
  • Social Media Training

Value of the Makeover: $21,750.00

The 2013 Extreme Nonprofit Makeover was funded by a grant from the Weaver Foundation.