The mission of Sanctuary House is to facilitate the recovery and rehabilitation of adults with serious mental illness in Guilford County so that they may achieve and sustain satisfying, meaningful roles and lives in the community.
Who They Are
Sanctuary House is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the rehabilitation of adults living with mental illness. Members do not live at Sanctuary House but use it as a base of community support. Each day, members and staff work closely together to learn new skills, build confidence, gain a greater sense of independence and pride, and prepare for a purposeful and rewarding life.
What They Do
Sanctuary House provides both on-site and off-site services including psychosocial rehabilitation, supported education, supported employment, transitional employment and outpatient services.
A Sweet Success Bakery
The Bakery helps members develop work and life skills, while providing high quality desserts for the community, increasing awareness of mental illness, and providing income for Sanctuary House.
What did Sanctuary House receive?
The value of the Makeover: $52,000.00
The 2016 Extreme Nonprofit Makeover was funded by a grant from the Weaver Foundation.